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SMSMost popular FAQs
The uses for SMS are endless.
Send SMS from our website to your contacts whenever you need. e.g. company updates, special offers, appointment reminders and Xmas greetings.
Sending SMS is a very effective and an extremely low-cost way of communicating with new leads, existing customers & staff. Start sending high quality & fast SMS today.
It is an SMS route that manages to offer an extraordinarily cheap price by making arrangements outside of the licensed international telecoms companies. It's a shady part of the industry, lurking out there offering tempting and apparently innocent deals on SMS pricing.
But remember you only ever get what you pay for. If you're not getting a deal through volume, how are you getting it?
You may be offered a cheap route and find that your traffic is going via India, Russia or the Far East and getting clogged up on an overloaded connection anywhere in the world!
Beware of the 1p SMS. You know the old adage if a deal sounds too good to be true it probably is.
The standard interconnect fee between networks is circa 3p, so you do the maths. If it's 1p then you can be fairly certain something not entirely legal is going on.
An SMS survey is a way of being able to collect data off of your subscribers via text messages.
Your surveys can be designed to cope with correct or incorrect answers from whoever is texting the system
This is a great way to quickly collect data from subscribers in return for promotions.
Go to the SMS section via the SMS Tab.
SMS Messages Box.
Create New (or if used before Draft Templates).
Name your campaign, insert text you want to send into phone window screen.
Decide who you want to send from.
Decide when you want to send it (schedule).
Decide which of you contact lists or Individual contacts you want to send to.
Always send yourself a test before sending to your customer contacts to ensure the text displays as you expect.
Test Looks OK? Click I'm done.
Tick the boxes to ensure you are happy with the amount of credits to be used and that you have sent a test to yourself.
Click save and schedule.
Your SMS text message will be sent!
Do you offer bulk discount for SMS text messaging?
**We do offer bulk discount to SMS text messaging.
For more information on bulk discounts, please visit the pricing page.**
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SMS is Effective
What is an SMS grey route?
What is an SMS survey?
How do I send an SMS text message
Bulk SMS Text Messaging Software for Mobile Marketing
Bulk SMS Software
UK SMS marketing software
Do you offer bulk discount for SMS text messaging?
Bulk SMS reduces communication costs
Bulk Mobile Text Messaging encourages greater productivity
Bulk SMS can generate direct revenue
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Reliable Bulk SMS
Added-value bulk SMS capability
Bulk SMS encourages greater productivity
Why sms software